red_nates 5年之前
sexy, sadistic femme handing out a hard beating. I love the 'thwack' sound as the cane strikes home.
Being honest, I would have liked to see a few strokes on the legs too
Being honest, I would have liked to see a few strokes on the legs too
Paean 5年之前
I don't know the name of the young woman playing the role of teacher, in all the videos I have watched with her in them she seems to me to be the most accurate caner, restricting the area of punishment. She canes hard her cane always gives off a good "swish" through the air. She always looks sexy too!!
An excellent video. A good LONG and hard caning each stroke delivered very firmly indeed but never brutaly. I loved her position and her pretty pink panties streched between her calves was delicious. For me i think what makes it extra special is it seems like a GENUINE punishment of a naughty lass. I know that her lovely little bum is sore, Sore, SORE but not in the least damaged. Absolutely first class.