FF Manta does its nasty things to my bond sounded cock

tatandpierce 4個月之前
i have the Manta and it works better than any other vib ive tried
cuffz 1年之前
if you last long this toy sucks. its battery life lasts maybe an hour on high setting. Low setting can barely feel. I bought one of these and I regret it. It feels good for a little bit but never finishes me off. I would have to buy an extra one so I can have one on charger for when it dies. too much work and money for that. Also I am girthy so my dick barely fits in this thing and sliips out all the time making me hold it. I had to make a ghetto makeshift towel wrapped around it to keep it sturdy so it doesnt fall over and have a rubber cock ring secured to the toy to make sure my dick doesnt slip out. MY GOD THIS TOY IS SO FRUSTRATING if you last a long time. If anyone reads this and knows of any good no hands dick milking vibrators whos battery life lasts a very long time, preferably that still operates while plugged in to the wall to ensure it never dies until I am done. Impossible to find anything under $400.
machodescargador 2年之前
Asi se trabajan unos huevos
cuntgoeroe 2年之前
good shot
ipump 3年之前
Nice video and a very happy ending. 